torstai 25. heinäkuuta 2024

My greatest Joy is sewing 🧵

My hybrid art journal page for the Halle's 'I've got a notion' theme at
As you see my notion is sewing again.
 The girl face is my earlier hand painting, 

I composed my digital layout with the cropped face (this young girl can sew 😉), and the sewing  accessories, which I chose from my files, and finished the work with some digital overlays, and frames. 
I'm linking the post at Nicole's Friday Face Off, too.
Happy weekend everyone 👩‍🦰👨
'Suurin iloni on 'Ompelu', jälleen.
Tein hybridityön, johon liitin digitaalisesti käsin maalaamani tytön kasvokuvan. Tämä tyttö osaakin ommella! Muut arkistostani valitsemani kuvat olen sommiteltu taustalle. Viimeistelynä lisäsin tehosteita ja kehyksiä.
Hyvää viikonloppua kaikille 🌻🌞

20 kommenttia:

  1. Thank you for sharing your joy and making us happy too. Aloha!

  2. Kaunis työ. Minulle tosin tuli harmaita hiuksia, kun muistin taisteluni sykkyrään menevän alalangan ja katkeilevien neulojen kanssa. Kerran ompelin housuihin kaksi oikeaa lahjetta. Pilalle meni

  3. Minä ihmettelen, että nuorena osasin ommella jopa mekkoja ilman ohjeita 😯

  4. ...I look forward to seeing your beautiful ladies and their beautiful eyes. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Tom, you are so kind tha you will see...
      Thank you for visiting ☺️

  5. All that thread is so pretty. I think I am attracted by all the colors, and what you can do with it after you have it. :) And your lady's face is lovely too. I hope this lovely lady has fun Sewing. Thanks for joining Halle's challenge also. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. You are always do kind; thank you for this 💗😘

  6. Wow! This is amazing. You are so talented. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a very nice weekend.

    1. Thank you Nicole very much for your kind words 😘🌺🍀

  7. A wonderful page Sirkkis! Those threads look gorgeous.
    Happy weekend,

    1. Thank you Alison 😘 The images have got some rextur like effect.

  8. Your hand drawn pretty lady is the icing on the cake. She is lovely and goes beautifully over the wonderful digital lace, pins, buttons, and ribbon. What a perfect entry for Halle's theme at Art Journal Journey.


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