tiistai 16. heinäkuuta 2024

You can't buy happiness, but ?

'You can't buy happiness, but you can buy fabric and that is pretty close.'😊
My inspiration for the Halle's sewing-theme at Art Journal Journey.
I composed this page digitally with lace and fabric pieces, images and sewing accessories, all from my files, and finished the work making a tag and typing the text on it. I notice that I have pretty much sewing related images, isn't it 😮
 Thank you for visiting and the comment you leave 💜
'Et voi ostaa onnellisuutta, mutta voit ostaa kangasta ja se on melko sama.'😊
Tämän art journal-sivun ideoin ja toteutin digitekniikalla vanhoilla tallentamillani pitsi- ja kangaspalasilla, ompelutarvikkeilla ja arkistoimillani ompeluun liittyvillä kuvilla. Hämmästyinkin, miten paljon niitä oli kertynyt 😮 Viimeistelin sen kirjoittamalla tekstin tekemälleni tagille. Linkitän työn 'Ompelu'-teemaan.
Kiitos käynnistä; kommentit ovat tervetulleita 💜

12 kommenttia:

  1. Amazing work,
    very beautiful creation!
    In general I really like to reuse materials like you did and you created something new different and interesting!!
    Have a nice day Sirkkis🧡

    1. Thank you Katerina for the comment 💗
      Enjoy the day 😊🧚

  2. I love that quote. It is wonderful. And I love the beauty of the composition. You have the most amazing talent and you put items together beautifully. Thank you so much for another great entry at Art Journal Journey using Halle's theme.

    1. Thank you dear Elizabeth for your kind words 😘 I'm flattered 🥰

  3. I have a couple of BIG bags of fabric. So I definitely agree with your quote. That's a cool page. You find some of the best images. Thanks for joining Halle's challenge. hugs-Erika

    1. So you are a happy perso 😄
      Have a nice day my friend 🦮🐸

  4. Onpas niin kiva.Osaisinpa tämän tekniikan. Mukavaa jatkoa,

    1. Kiitos 😊 Perustekniikka on ihan sama kuin ATC korttien kanssa: sovittelet vaan hiirellä kuvaruudulla kuvia samalla tavalla 😃

  5. Your digital art is beautiful Sirkkis!

  6. I love this and the quote! I think I could substitute pretty much any craft supply for the word fabric! :) Thanks for playing along again!!


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