sunnuntai 11. elokuuta 2024

Elvis Presley is alive 🎶

"Truth is like the sun.
You can shut it out for a time,
but it ain't goin' away."  
- Elvis Presley
My hybrid postcard for the SPA's theme 'Elvis Presley' this week.
The face of Elvis is hand painted by me, and now I set it with his words on my digitally made background. 
Thank you for stopping by 🎤
"Totuus on kuin aurinko. 
Voit sulkea sen pois hetkeksi,
mutta se ei mene pois."
Tämän postikortin Elviksen kuvan olen käsin maalannut akryyleillä ja asemoinut nyt digitalisesti tekemälleni taustalle hänen tekstinsä kanssa.
Linkitys: SPA 'Elvis Presley'.

14 kommenttia:

  1. Vastaukset
    1. Yes, but his voice is still alive, and is precious to listen. Thank for the comment, Tom 💽

  2. Very beautiful poster dear Sirkkis !
    I love the colours and the layout perfectly achieved.
    It's a wonderful tribute to Elvis indeed ! Bravo !!

    1. This is not a poster; I've made it to be a postcard.
      You ca see my tag of it beneath of the post.

  3. Wonderful card, and I especially love the fact that you hand painted the face - well done!

    1. I'm pleased that you like my card, Marion 😊Thank you for the comment 🤎

  4. Your artwork is fabulous, excellent job on the challenge.

  5. this is brilliant work, both your own painting, and how you created the final piece. truly incredible and beautiful. xo

  6. Simply amzing! Love the "handpainter" in the face oo ;-)))
    Best wishes

  7. On kyllä todella hieno työ 👍👍 olet todella taitava maalaamaankin🌞

    1. Voi, miten ihanainen kommenti,
      kiitos Silkku 🥰


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