sunnuntai 11. elokuuta 2024

The dance of butterflies

For the theme 'Butterfly' at Digital Whisper Blog Challenge this week. 
I made two works. Above you see my hybrid version that I created with my hand painted face and digital elements. 
First I made the digital background and digitally stamped small butterflies. I tried to get some movement effect to my background, and I can see it - and hope you, too. Then I added the face and the 'crown' and the big butterfly.
 So there is flying the 'Queen' with her 'assistants'. 
Beneath is my interpretation of 'Creativity' accompanied with a flock of butterfly images and my stamped butterflies, other images and the quote, which I typed. All were combined on the scenery BG that I altered with digital filters in my photoshop program.
'Creativity is intelligence having fun'

Thank you for stopping by, and have a wonderful week ahead.
'Perhosten tanssi'
Tässä näet kaksi työtä, jotka tein 'Perhonen'-teemaan. Ylin on hybridi, jossa käytin käsin maalaamaani kasvoa ja digitaalisia kuvia ja leimailujani. Pyrin saamaan siihen liike-efektin tekemälläni taustalla.
Linkitän työni myös Teemakuun 'Kesäfiilis'-teemaan.
Kiva, kun kävit ja kommentit ovat tervetulleita.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Two very rich and lively creations Sirkkis, Bravo!

  2. Wow, both are beautiful - your colors are so vibrant! Your lady reminded me of our Statue of Liberty, adding a personal feeling to it for me.

    1. I'm glad you like my art Barb, thank you 💚🦋

  3. Beautiful and fun! Great job there lady :)

  4. Upeaa taidetta ja hienosti saat kaiken sopimaan toisiinsa 👍


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