maanantai 9. syyskuuta 2024

Somewhere, something incredible


'Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.'
My digital art work for the theme 'Nature' at Digital Whisper Challenge this week.
I've made all image and background alterations of my layout design in my photoshop program. Material was found from my files.
Thank you for looking.
'Jossakin jotain uskomatonta odottaa tullakseen tunnetuksi.'
Digitaalisesti tekemäni työ teemaan 'Luonto'. Layoutin ja kaikki tehosteet tein fotosopissani. Kuvamateriaali arkistostani.
Kiva, jos poikkesit blogissani.

13 kommenttia:

  1. It's true that we still have so many mysteries to discover...
    Beautiful collage Sirkkis!

    1. Thank you for your comment of my digital art work 🍁🍂

  2. What a unique and glorious take on nature...well done. Have a wonderful week.

  3. Sirkkis the comment above is from Deann my comment wouldn't publish so I had to switch to a different mode.

  4. Beautiful design !

  5. Yes, isn't Nature incredible? You never know what's coming next. Just like your artwork, sometimes I forget about nature being in the skies - I love your beautiful Nature in the sky!

  6. Täällä taas taattua Sirkkis laatua, wau 👍


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