maanantai 9. syyskuuta 2024

Birdy girl in the forest

 'A forest bird never wants a gage.'   
- Henrik Ibsen 
My hybrid art journal work for the theme 'Anything goes' at Art Journal Journey' this month. 
'Birdy Girl'
I used on the page layout my above hand painted girl portrait, that I added digitally on the background. I altered it with filtering and effecting in my photoshop program. The birds, the bird flock, and the typed text were added digitally, too.
Thank you for looking 🐦

'Metsälintu ei koskaan halua häkkiä' - Henrik Ibsen

Tässä hybridi-työssä käytin aiemmin maalaamaani kasvokuvaa, jonka irrotin taustastaan ja asemoin uudelle taustalle. Muut kuvat on digitaalisesti lisättyjä. Taustakuvan muuntelin filttereillä ja tehosteilla. Lisäsin kirjoittamani tekstin ja kehystin työn, jonka linkitän teemaan 'Kaikki käy'. 

Hyvää uutta viikkoa visertää hän 🐦

10 kommenttia:

  1. Your birdy girl is charming surrounded by birds in the forest. It's absolutely perfect for Aimeslee's theme at AJJ. Thanks for sharing this beauty.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth for your comment and have a great new week 😃

  2. No the forest is never quiet. The owls in the area around my house must have been perched in a tree right near my open window the other night. But it was worth being woken up to hear them chat. This is a great page Sirkkis. I love the owl and the sweet bluebird. Thanks for joining Aimeslee's AJJ challenge and happy new week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you Erika and have a wonderful week ahead 😃

  3. What a wonderful interpretation or application of Ibsen. From his The Master Builder, I think. I had to read A Doll's House in high school and developed a liking. Your hand painted girl is stunning and could apply to both of those plays. Thanks for linking this to AJJ, so nicely reconstructed digitally too. XXO

  4. Such a beautiful journal page Sirkkis. I wish I could create something like this on my computer. The portrait you painted is beautiful and I love how she is flanked by the birds. Love the quote too.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. Kerrassaan ihana työ 👍😊 sinulla on mielikuvitusta ja se on hieno asia 😊


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