lauantai 15. lokakuuta 2016

MIM - Capricorn/Kauris

For the Mix It Monthly October 2016 Challenge theme
'Zodiac Sign Capricorn'.
Our hostes Conny would like to see brown colour and some texture in entries, too. Hope that this digitally made texture under the text is OK.
Thank you for stopping by.
teemaan tein toisen työn sekatekniikalla.
Emäntämme Conny toivoo näkevän osallistumistöissä ruskeaa väriä ja tekstiiliä. Toivottavasti kelpaa digitaalisesti tekemäni, jolle olen editoinut tekstin: 'Kauriilla on villi puoli, jota eivät muut kuin valitut, näe koskaan.'
Kiva, jos poikkesit katsomassa.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Wow so very eyecatching and cool!!! Looove your work alot this time!! Her expression goes so well with your quote and all in all just fantastic! Can you tell me where to buy this amazing eyeshadow? Haha ♥ Conny

  2. Ooooh, your Capricorn Woman is just beautiful, dear Sirkkis. Espacially I love her blue horns :)

    Hugs und viele Grüße

  3. This is terrific and may well have been true of this Capricorn years ago

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Oh this is wonderful! I love the colors and the composition very much.

  5. Wonderful quote and a beautiful lady.
    Yvonne xx

  6. ooohh wow,love your beautiful capricorn lady,love the blue eyes shadow and horns,just amazing.

    hugs jenny

  7. Very inventive and original, Sirkka.
    I love the way you have created the words and how well the picture reflects the words.


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