by Jere Tarvo
I altered a bit the name of a Finnish author and suppose that Finns guess the person in question. He writes traditional plot-drive prose, sometimes more humorous, sometimes more like a detective story.
Many of his books have become best-sellers. The reason I emphasized his name more than the title of the book, is because he is very well known as an author and also as a TV person. His name increases the sale. The images I chose may tell you which is the genre of this imagenary book.
Many of his books have become best-sellers. The reason I emphasized his name more than the title of the book, is because he is very well known as an author and also as a TV person. His name increases the sale. The images I chose may tell you which is the genre of this imagenary book.
Image credits to Itkupilli Imagenarium. The layout and text-editing were made with PhotoShopElements, WSOY is the publisher of the book, the cover designer's name usually is on another page.
I'm linking my design at the Three Muses Challenge this week's theme 'Book Cover'.
I'm linking my design at the Three Muses Challenge this week's theme 'Book Cover'.
Thank you for looking.
I'm wondering if you would like to read it as well ; )
Teemana tällä kertaa on suunnitella kirjan kansi. Mielikuvitukseni kehitteli kirjan nimeksi 'Langaton yhteys kuuhun' ja kirjailijaksi nimesin Jere Tarvon. Luullakseni arvaatte kenen kirjailijan nimeen viittaan. Valitsemani kuvamateriaali määritteli kirjan tyylin ja se mielestäni sopisi Jari Tervon kynästä lähteneeksi. Syy miksi korostin hänen nimeään enemmän kuin kirjan nimeä, on se että hän on erittäin tunnettu kirjailijana sekä TV-persoonana.
Kuvamateriaali on Itkupillin ja layoutin ja tekstieditoinnin tein
kuvankäsittelyn työkaluilla.
Kirjan kannen tehtävänä on saada ihminen kiinnostumaan, ostamaan ja lukemaan kirja.
Toimisikohan tämä näin teihinkin ; )
This one is absolutely one that I want to read Sirkkis!
VastaaPoistaI adore this cover, very striking and story telling!
Kyllä vaan toimisi:) Hienoa jälkeä! Aurinkoista viikkoa♥
VastaaPoistaOH WOW, what an imagination!!! Love this book!!!!!
VastaaPoistaFabulous I love this beautiful and mysterious cover.
VastaaPoistaWhat a marvelous book cover. My curiosity would lead me to pick it up, for sure!
VastaaPoistaSiis wau!!! Kyllä varmasti ostaisin kannen perusteella. On kyllä niin mun tyyliä. Ihanan kummallista ja mielikuvituksellista!
VastaaPoistaI love your work. He must be a very talented writer and your cover draws me in :D)
VastaaPoistaLuv the display quality of your book cover art
Just amazing as always. Such striking images and design
VastaaPoistaLove Chrissie xx
Your book cover is so creative and beautiful that all your blog friends would dearly love to read it!! Perfection.