keskiviikko 27. kesäkuuta 2018

Circles theme

'Moon Dance'
Image credits to Itkupilli Imagenarium.
Layout and effects made by PSE.
I'm linking my work at the Three Muses  Challenge theme 'Circles'.
Thank you for popping in!
'Kuutanssi' Ympyrät-teemaan.
Kuvamateriaali Itkupilli Imagenarium.
Layoutin ja tehosteet tein PSE:lla.
Kiva kun kurkkasit tänne.

8 kommenttia:

  1. You have given this a wonderful three dimensional quality and it's very beautiful.

  2. This is fascinating, Sirkkis. You've made magic again!

  3. A stunning circle of feminine power and beauty!

  4. Upea! Tuo kuu ihan huippu millä kasvot 🙂🌺🍀

  5. Sirkkis, this is absolutely beautiful!!!I love your digital artwork, have I ever told you that?
    I have a question for you,I should like to email you about.

  6. What a splendid round dance around the world and under the moon Sirkkis!

  7. A superb piece of art with amazing colours and a wonderful, creative design.


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