maanantai 25. marraskuuta 2019

What's Jazz?

'If you have to ask what Jazz is, you'll never know." -Louis Armstrong
So Louis Armstrong exhausts the question about Jazz.
My entry on the challenge theme to use a quote and to place it in the center of the work. 
I'll link the work at Three Muses Challenge this week.   
I made the background with digital coloring and effects, and edited the words with photo shop elements. 
All images were googled.
Mitä Jazzmusiikki on?
Haasteteemana on käyttää työssä mietelausetta ja 
asemoida se keskelle työtä.
Käytin omassani Luis Armstrong'in sanoja, joissa hän tyhjentävästi ilmaisee mielipiteensä jazzista:
'Jos sinun täytyy kysyä mitä Jazz on, 
et tule koskaan sitä tietämään' -Louis Armstrong
Tein taustan työhöni digitaalisesti maalaamalla ja tehostein, editoin tekstin samoin kuvankäsittelyn työkaluin.
Kuvamateriaali googlattua. 

5 kommenttia:

  1. Louie was a fabulous musician. I was just listening to some of his music yesterday while I made some art. Like you inspiration and the piece you made! Happy new week Sirkkis.

  2. You've illustrated this awesome quote perfectly, Sirkkis! Love it!

  3. Aah I love Louie this is a great picture and quote.

  4. Dear Sirkkis, hang on I just ordered a new laptop too and am going to be doing the same thing. I have been using my present one for ten years. Didn't your new computer come with specific instructions on transferring your files?

    I have all my pictures and many other things saved to a cloud site called Google Drive. They are private and free to 130 GB and if anything happens to you computer you still have your artwork and anything else you have stored there, which you can download from there. Good luck I will let you know if I learn anything new when I receive mine.

  5. Lovely quote and a breathtaking illustration too. Loud applause, my friend.


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