perjantai 2. lokakuuta 2020

A Woodland Girl

 Digital painting by me.
Because some of my followers have asked me to show how I make my digital art, I present the process of this digital inspiration.
The material which I used for it:
1. The first background paper
2. The second paper after I had  painted the first one. 
I decided the color combo, and painted (over layered) it.  Then added a texture filter which I chose from many others, then added a lighting filter.
3. The third background material, which is my earlier made rainbow work.
I supposed it could be suitable on the painting. Now I cut it into two pieces and set them on background. Then I started to choose what I want to be seen from it, and deleted what don't wanted. For that I used  layer masks. 
The  girl sketch (Mischief Circus) was added before that.
 For the finale background I made some more painting with brushes, and added a filter more. I finished the page making some  details on the face and added the frame. 
Generally I don't like to mess faces, but in this case did it.
The digital art  is not so easy to make as many think. I'm a self-learnt 'artist', and there are still much more to learn. My motto is 'the life time of learning', and I continue this way. I don't have introductions, but make experiments. I like it.
I'm linking the page at Paint Party Friday  Week 31, Year 10.
Thank you for looking and I appreciate the comment you kindly leave.
Take care, and have the wonderful October ahead.
'Metsän tyttö'
on digitaalisesti maalaamani työ. 
Koska jotkut seuraajistani ovat toivoneet minun näyttävän, miten teen digitaidettani, annan lyhyen selosteen erään kuvan pohjan tekemisestä ja tytön maalaamisesta. Liitin mukaan kuvat taustapohjista, joista tein lopullisen taustan tytölle. Näet kuvat yllä.
Ensimmäisen pohjapaperin ensin teksturoin filtterillä, jonka valitsin monista. Sitten maalasin digitaalisesti väreillä, jotka valitsin, lisäsin vielä tehostefiltterin, ja syntyi toinen pohja.
Sitten etsin arkistostani aiemman työni, josta arvelin saavani pohjaan lisää sopivaa väriä ja tekstuuria. 
Lisäsin m/v tytön sketsin ja aloin suunnitella mitä haluan näkyvän taustoista. Joten aloin layerimaskien avulla valita osia pohjasta ja deletoida mitä en halunnut näkyvän. Kun olin tyytyväinen, lisäsin tehoste- ja valo-efektejä valitsemiini kohtiin. Tein vielä kasvoihin joitain korjailuja ja kehystin työn.
En yleensä pidä kasvojen 'sotkemisesta', mutta tähän kuvaan se mielestäni sopi. 
Digitaidetta ei ole niin helppoa tehdä kuin luulisi. Olen itseoppinut tekniikaa ja aina löytyy uutta opittavaa. Minulla ei ole ohjeita, van teen kokeiluja. Teen niitä mielelläni - onhan mottonikin 'elämän ikäinen oppiminen'.
Aloitetaan uusi kuukausi nauttimalla ihanista syksyn väreistä. 
Hyvää lokakuutaa, muistetaan pitää turvavälit 🍂🍁🍂

16 kommenttia:

  1. Thank you for showing it is a real art and if you don't have the eye and the feeling for it, it can't be anything. You have the talent to do it and it also takes a lot of patience, it's definitely not easy. This mixture of self-painted and digital in addition is fascinating for me again and again and I am always so happy what comes out at the end. Sometimes it's like a lucky bag.
    I've always learned a lot from you to go on like this.
    I like to paint but I also love the digital.
    You are a great role model for me.
    Thank you for all of the years to accompany you here on your blog.
    I wish you a happy weekend, hug Elke

  2. She is beautiful! And thanks for sharing the process again. A friend recently started to "paint" with watercolors on her tablet pc and she told me, that it isn't that easy to learn as she thought. I think there is a lot to learn, like in any other art form. Enjoy your journey!

  3. Beautiful work thanks for sharing your process!

  4. It's really nice! I haven't tried digital painting. And I am sure it not easy.

  5. Really lovely art. Happy Friday and have a beautiful day.

  6. so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your process. I have done a bit of digital art, and no, it's not so easy, or quick to do for that matter. I have such an appreciation for digital artists like yourself. Happy PPF!

  7. Beautiful woodland girl. I have never tried digital painting or collage work and so I love seeing your digital work. I love the header too!

  8. Beautuful art. Luv all the layering. Happy PPF


  9. I like how you have done the girls face.
    I enjoy creating digitally as well but I find it makes my fingers hurt if I spend too long on it.

  10. Seriously gorgeous. One of your best.

  11. Hi Sirkkis :)) I think your lady is lovely and I really like the backgrounds. Thank you so much for sharing your process, you are right, it's NOT easy to do digital painting! I tried it and quickly gave up of these days I may try again!

  12. I have never tried digital art, I would not know where to begin but I do admire it. This is beautiful and it was interesting to read the process. What a beautiful face.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. That is a wonderful post. The whole process of creating digitally takes hours and sometimes just takes up a lot of space in the mind. Kudos to your effort.

  14. First, I want to apologize for not visiting sooner. I missed a LOT in the last three weeks. To begin, I was offline for 11 days due to my internet internet (and phone) provider. After complaining a LOT that I had no phone or internet, they finally decided my problem was because I have old copper wiring coming into and throughout my house. They are in the process of upgrading to fiber optics in my neighborhood.

    I realize I've missed several of your posts also because I was also offline five days before that because I had a burnt out power supply cord that had to be replaced. My friend Scott couldn't find one in town, so sent to Amazon for one. I'm sadly so far behind, I'll never catch up on your posts, but I'm trying to at least let you know why I haven't been around.

    I am in awe of your digital art and I appreciate you sharing how you make it. I have PhotoShop, but can't do much. I needed help creating my watermark, but I wouldn't trade it for any other photo editing software. I tried to use Gimp and it was like a foreign language to me. I'm going to bookmark this page so I can find it quickly if I ever am able to have some free time to create something digital. Thanks for the tutorial and the beautiful digital art, too.


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