torstai 23. maaliskuuta 2023

A smile, a tear, a visitor from heaven's near

'If a dragonfly should appear, a loved one came to bring you cheer.'
I made the textured and colored background digitally, and added the freebie elements which I found from the web and my files. I like the color combo I succeeded to design to my creation.
I'm linking this digital art journal page for the Valerie's theme 'Anything goes' at Art Journal Journey this month.
Dragonflies don't fly here yet and bring that kind of good news.
Thank you for looking 😊
'Jos sudenkorento ilmestyisi, rakastettu tulisi ilahduttamaan sinua.'
Tämän art journal sivun taustan tekstuurin ja värityksen tein digitekniikalla. Lisäsin sille tekstit ja kuvat, jotka löysin netistä ja arkistostani. Pidän väriyhdistelmästä työssäni.
Sudenkorennot eivät meillä vielä lentele ja tuo näin hyvää viestiä;
toivotan mukavaa aikaa teille siitä huolimatta 😊

8 kommenttia:

  1. This is beautiful, Sirkkis, love the quote. Wonderful colours, too. Thanks so much for linking to my challenge at AJJ, much appreciated. Valerie

  2. A wonderful saying and the journal that goes with it is so mystically beautiful. It has a particularly positive effect!
    Hug , Elke

  3. I haven't seen you do an Asian piece before but this page is beautiful. I love your Asian lady.Thanks for sharing her with us at AJJ for Valerie's challenge. And have a wonderful rest of your week. hugs-Erika

  4. I've never heard that before but what a lovely saying it is. I will remember that when I see a dragonfly. That is a gorgeous page, I love anything to do with the far east and your lady is perfect, as is your background and the dragonflies.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. Ohhhhhh I love this so much. Every time I see a dragonfly, I know it's my mom.

  6. I love this page, gorgeous colours! Thank you for sharing at AJJ and Valerie's theme, hugs, Chrisx

  7. What a loving saying. It brought tears to my eyes. It is a truly wonderful journal entry, Sirkkis. A true beauty and a great entry for Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey.


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