tiistai 21. maaliskuuta 2023

When words escape

My art journal hybrid-page, which I created using my hand with acrylics painted Hibiscus flower and girl portrait.
I made them the new digital background with filters and effects, added some image elements, the text, and finished the work with the frame.
I'm linking the page on the Valerie's theme 'Anything goes' at Art Journal Journey.
I hope we soon see flowers blooming in green nature.
 Thank you for visiting.
Have a nice day.
'Kun  sanat pakenevat, kukat puhuvat' on hybridi-työni, johon irrotin käsin akryyleillä maalaamastani työstä hibiskus-kukan ja tytön. Tein niille nyt digit-tekniikalla uuden taustan, johon lisäsin kuva-elementtejä, kirjoittamani tekstin ja viimeisteli työni kehyksellä. Toivonkin pian näkeväni kukkien ilmestyvä vihreään luontoon. 
Kiva, kun poikkesit. Mukavaa päivää.

6 kommenttia:

  1. That is so true. And right now I am waiting for flowers to bloom-once the snow melts that is. Smile. What a lovely page Sirkkis. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ for Valerie's theme. It's always a pleasure to have you join us. hugs-Erika

  2. so beautiful journal page and the sentence!
    Have a beautiful Day, hug Elke

  3. Thanks so much Sirkkis, your journal page is woderful. The Hibiscus bloom is fantastic. We have a lot of flowers and trees blooming here, but more would be very welcome. Thanks so much for linking to my challenge at AJJ, much appreciated!

  4. Upea kevätneitonen. Todellinen kaunotar.

  5. This is a genuine beauty. I love the hibiscus and the girl who seems to get around a lot. I also hope spring will arrive soon and we can see more of those incredible flowers you give us. Thanks for yet another wonderful entry for Art Journal Journey using Valerie's theme.


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