maanantai 10. heinäkuuta 2023

In the garden

'Imagination is the highest kite one can fly.'  - Lauren Bacall
My hybrid art journal-page. Beneath you see my watercolor painting, which I layered on the new background page.
Girl reading in the garden (2017)
I sank the painting with digital layer masks onto the new background, and added her flying friends and butterflies around her. When you read a book, your imagination is free to fly. I'm linking my page at the Alison's theme 'Come and fly with me' at Art Journal Journey this month.
Thank you for dropping by. I hope your imagination can fly like a kite on the sky. 
'Tyttö lukemassa puutarhassa'
on vesivärimaalaukseni, josta tein hybridityön. 'Upotin' tytön taustoineen digitekniikalla uudelle taustalle, jolle lisäsin lentäviä ystäviä ja Lauren Bacallin  tekstin 'Mielikuvitus on korkein leija, jonka voi lennättää.' 
Korkealentoisia lukuhetkiä toivotan sinullekin.

5 kommenttia:

  1. ...Lauren Bacall is correct and I like your lovely lady!

  2. What a lovely summer page Sirkkis. You can't go wrong with flowers, and I love the little bird. She seems to enjoy being read to. This is perfect for Alison's theme. Thanks for joining us at AJJ. Hope your week is going well. hugs-Erika

  3. Oh my goodness! Sirkkis this is a beautiful painting!

  4. A beautiful page Sirkkis. I love the quote too.
    Thanks for joining in with my theme at AJJ.

  5. Such a beautiful painting on which you based your page. She is a lovely young lady and I think the words you chose by Lauren Bacall work so well with her and the floral background.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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