perjantai 7. heinäkuuta 2023

Let your spirit take flight

'Let your spirit take flight, freedom awaits you.'
'There is something magic in the maps.'
My hybrid art journal page for the Alison's theme 'Come and fly with me' 
at Art Journal Journey this month.
I'm linking the page also at the Nicole's/DVArtis Friday Face Off
I composed the collage layout digitally using on a map paper hand drawn girl, who ls seeing magic in the maps, and I used the sweet girl picture, which is taken from my digital post card. On the top of the page you see scenery, which is also  from one of my digital cards. I combined all onto the own digitally made background. I finished the work with the texts and added the plane, cloud and bird images - another is my cookie cut from a green paper.
Thank you for flying with me 🦋 
Wishing a happy weekend to everyone. 
'Salli mielesi lentää, vapaus odottaa sinua.'
'Kartoissa on jotain taianomaista.'
Koostin tämän hybridi art journal-sivuni digitaalisesti ja käytin siinä karttapaperille piirtämääni tyttöä, joka näkee kartoissa taikaa. Toinen tyttö on tekemästäni digi- kortista, ja ylhäällä olevan maisemakuvan kasvoineen olen ottanut myös digitaalisesta postikortistani. Olen koostanut kaiken tekemälleni digitaaliselle taustalle, jolle lisäsin vielä kirjoittamani tekstit, pilven, lentokoneen ja linnut - alhaalla olevan linnun olen digitekniikalla leikannut vihreästä paperista.
Hybridi/Art journal kollaasini menee teemaan 'Tule ja lennä kanssani'.
Kiitos lennosta kanssani 🦋 
Mukavaa viikonloppua 🌞

9 kommenttia:

  1. Wonderful collage for Alison's challenge at AJJ, love it. Have a good weekend, Valerie

  2. These are great faces Sirkkis, and the dove is a wonderful addition to your page. I'm glad you linked it up to Alison's AJJ challenge also. Thank you. Have a fantastic weekend. I hope it's not wet or too hot either. (That's what we have here) hugs-Erika

  3. ...soar with the eagles, my friend!

  4. This is an incredible piece of art. I want that hat the little girl is wearing. LOL Sirkkis thank for being a part of FFO and sharing your beautiful art. Have a lovely weekend.

  5. Great faces in your collage! I especially like the child in the top hat!

  6. This page is beautiful, Sirkkis. I love the overlays you created and the plane you added. This is a really stunning entry for Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey, as well as for FFO.

  7. It's beautiful! Thanks for joining in my theme at AJJ.

  8. Maps lead us to destinations we choose and thus open doors to a new page in our lives each time we use them. This a lovely meaningful collage, Sirkkis ... have a lovely summer week ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  9. Aivan ihastuttava ja oi oi näitä värejä (enkulinkäsityöt)


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