My digital alteration from the same redhaired hand painted girl, which I've presented you being altered in different way recently.
The sconce is of the art deco style from the 1920's era. I designed my alteration with my photoshop tools. I don't alter my targets like 'Artificial Intelligence' images are done, and which then are looking artificial 'dolls' with china faces. I try to create with my alterations some messages of my art. Which is in this face alteration the moving light from the sconce on the girl's face.
I'm linking this hybrid art journal page on Vicki's 'Keeping It It Light' theme at Art Journal Journey this month,
and on the Nicole's Friday Face Off at DV Artist this week.
Thank you for looking, and have a wonderful weekend.
'Punatukka 1920-luvun valokeilassa'
Käytin tässä hybridityössäni samaa käsin tehtyä tytön kuvaa, jonka näitte hiljattain eri tavalla muunneltuna. Suunnittelin ja toteutin sen fotoshoptyökaluilla. En tee muuntelemilleni kohteille 'Tekoälyllä' tuotettujen kaltaisia kuvia, joissa kasvoista tehdään posliinin sileitä luonnottomuuksia - enkä pidä sitä edes taiteena.
Yritän saada muunnelmani välittämään sanomaa, joka sisältyy työhöni. Tässä tapauksessa, kun teemana on valo, että se näkyy kohteen kasvoilla ja lisäksi kertoo Victor Hugo'n mietteen "Rakastaa kauneutta on nähdä valoa".
Jännittävää, vilkasta vaaliviikonloppua toivotan kaikille meille.
Huippuihana valo tässä. Todella kaunis lady.
VastaaPoistaMukavaa viikonloppua.
Kiitos Enkuli; sinä taiteilijana näet idean 💡🤗
Poista...she is striking! I wish you a fabulous weekend.
VastaaPoistaThanks Tom 😀 It's the weekend of the election of our new presiden . Previous, the highly respected Niinistö has served the full 12 years period. We all are very excited about the winner 🤩
PoistaI love that Art Deco light fixture. Those always seem so elegant to me.
VastaaPoistaThat lady is so lovely Sirkkis. I love the 1920's light too, and it is shining beautifully. This is a great piece for Vicki's challenge. Thanks for joining us. Have a wonderful rest of your FRiday and weekend. hugs-Erika
VastaaPoistaBeautiful! I love art deco too.
VastaaPoistaWell, maybe it's been better to post only the sconce 🤔
VastaaPoistaI like your red haired lady and the art deco styling about this page. You have certainly captured light here.
VastaaPoistaHugs, Neet xx
well done.
VastaaPoistaShe's beautifully altered Sirkkis!
VastaaPoistaOhhh she is gorgeous. I love the red. Thank you for sharing with FFO.
VastaaPoistaShe's much more interesting than AI images.
VastaaPoistaThanks, I appreciate 😻😊
PoistaMy Sunday post is HERE
Fabulous design! She is gorgeous and I'm so in love with the way you've digitally altered your 1920 sconce! That is very cool along with that wonderful quote! Thank you for sharing your art for the AJJ "light" theme!