torstai 20. kesäkuuta 2024

Face at the sea/Kasvot merellä

 'You can find me where the sand meets the water.' 
I made this fantasy digital layout for the themes 'Face' and 'What makes you happy'. I've always loved boating and sailing at the sea.
The face-images are from my files and altered digitally by me. The one on the hand is originally a moon, but I altered it to be a colored face. All alterations and effects were made with the tools of my Photoshop program.
I'm linking my art journal page at DV Artist Nicole's Friday Face Off this week, and Art Journal Journey Challenge, June.
Thank you for stopping by and have a happy upcoming weekend 🚣🏿‍♀️⛵🌊
P.S. It's here the Midsummer feast, the biggest celebration in the summer time, and the time you can sea the sun in Lapland all over the night 🌞
 'Löydät minut sieltä, missä hiekka ja vesi  kohtaavat.' 
Linkitän työni myös Teemakuunkollaasit 'Kesäfiilis'-teemaan.
Hyvää aurinkoista - ehkä merellistäkin - juhannus-viikonloppua kaikille 🤽🌞

14 kommenttia:

  1. Todella kaunis ja salaperäinen työ.
    Ihastuttavaa keskikesän juhlaa sinulle Sirkkis.

  2. I like your latest page. It is such an interesting take on water and according to your quote even the beach. That's always a favorite of mine. And Happy summer to you. Our longest day of the year is dark because of all the storms moving through. Your day is probably longer than ours (even we had sunshine) though. It's very exciting to have long days. Thanks for joining Matilde at AJJ also. hugs-Erika

  3. Lovely page with the images, great colour and composition love it.Take care, Wendy K

  4. ...I enjoy being where the sand meets the water, too! Take care and enjoy your summer.

  5. Ohhhh this is stunning. What a beautiful piece of art. Thank you for joining FFO and have a nice weekend.

  6. I was especially moved by the eyes. They were stunning and piercing. Of course, I was also taken by the faces and the sea. This is a marvelous entry for Matilde's theme at Art Journal Journey. Thanks for sharing with us, Sirkkis.

  7. Thank you my friends for your kind comments, I appreciate /Kiitos ystävät💗☺️

  8. I'm very late for Friday Face Off, but that's how I found your post.

    I'd love to be found where the sand meets the water, but that'd be a looong trip from where I live.

  9. Nää sinun taideteokset ovat vaan niin upeita ❤️


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