perjantai 14. kesäkuuta 2024

Flowers don't complete/Kukat eivät kilpaile

The quote and the words tell what I love about, and I'm linking this hybrid art journal page on the theme 'What makes you happy' hosted by Matilde at Art Journal Journey this month; and DV Artist Friday Face Off this week.
I made the background using a napkin and drove the blue figures with a pen, the print additions are made digitally. The girl is the image from my file, but flowers in her hair are made and added by me. I finished the page typing the quote and the text 'I love summer'.
Thank you for stopping by, and have a happy summer season
"Kukat eivät kilpaile ympäröivien kukkien kanssa, ne vain kukkivat."
Rakastan kesää, ja linkitän työni myös Teemakuunkollaasit 'Kesäfiilis'-haasteeseen.
Hyvää jatkoa kesääsi🐞

21 kommenttia:

  1. ..."flowers don't compete with those around them they just bloom." It would be wonderful if people did that! Enjoy your summer.

    1. Tom, you're saying wise words👍
      Happy weekend 🌻

  2. What a good point you made with that quote. I love that lady's hair. She is quite lovely, as is your page. Thanks for linking up to Matidle's challenge, and have a super weekend ahead also. hugs-Erika

    1. I'm glad you like my art page, Erika 😊
      Happy weekend 😘🌞

  3. Love this. Thank you for your support and joining FFO.

  4. Yes indeed. Lovely art. Happy Sunday.

    SundaySmiles linky is HERE


  5. Kukkia on nyt joka puolella, ihanaa!

  6. Voi mitä täällä jälleen on 👍😀 upeaa värien ilotulitusta ja erittäin tyylikäs taideteos 💓 ihanaa juhannusta Sinulle 💓🍹🦋🐞🐝🌞🔥

  7. Kiitos paljon Silkku, arvostan sanojasi 🥰
    Ihanaa juhannusta 😃🌺🍓🍀🐛

  8. Sorry I'm late visiting. I love how you chose a napkin for the background. I also love what you did with her hair. This is a fabulous entry for Matilde's theme at Art Journal Journey.


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