keskiviikko 4. syyskuuta 2024

Music of Autumnal Winds

'Wild is the music of autumnal winds amongst the faded woods.'
My digital art journal page for the theme 'Anything goes' at Art Journal Journey this month.
All layering, effects and filters in my design layout were made by me in my photoshop program. The images are from my files.
Thank you for looking 🍂
'Villiä on syksyisen tuulen musiikki lakastuvassa metsässä.'
Kaikki layoutin efektit ja tehosteet olen tehnyt kuvankäsittelyohjelmassani.
Kuvamateriaali löytyi arkistostani.
Kiitos käynnistäsi 🍂

13 kommenttia:

  1. Meilläkin on tuulut ihan villisti.Nyt on 24 astetta lämmintä - ihmeellistä.

  2. You do find the best quotes Sirkkis. I know I've said that a lot, but this one makes me think of cool autumn nights with maybe and owl hooting in the background. You've created a lovely page to go with it. And thank you for joining Aimeslee for her challenge at AJJ. I hope Septet has been treating you well. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you Erika; have a wonderful September 💖😘

  3. Oh, such gorgeous artwork! Took my breathe away!!

    1. Thank you Kym and have a wonderful September 💖

  4. This is mesmerizing. Stunning.

    Got the dreaded "Failed to Publish," but will keep trying till blogger takes my comment.

  5. I forgot to thank you for sharing this with us using Aimeslee's theme at AJJ.

  6. I'm always envious of those of you who can do digital art so well. This is lovely. Thanks for sharing at AJJ with us. xoxo

  7. Upea syksyinen työ 😊 ihanasti valo heijastuu naisen kasvoihin. syksyinen metsämusiikki, kyllä 👍👍👍


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