maanantai 2. syyskuuta 2024

Sea traffic/Meriliikenne

My hybrid art journal page for the theme 'Anything goes' hosted by Aimeslee at Art Journal Journey this month.
I've made the main image by hand with a napkin, nest and glue-water mix, and on the background textile pieces. Other images a fish and fish sign are digitally added. As well as the overlay on the top. I finished the page with te text that I've typed.
Thank you for looking and have a wonderful September ahead 😀
 'Meressä ei ole liikennemerkkejä'
Hybridi-sivuni, joka menee teemaan kaikki käy'. Keskiössä oleva kuva on käsin tehty. Siinä on lautasliinaa, verkkoa ja vesi/liima-seosta ja alapuolella tekstiilistä repimiäni paloja. Kalan ja kalaviita lisäsin digitaalisesti. Lisäsin vielä kirjoittamani tekstin taustalle sekä kuvio-layerin ylös.
Hyvää alkanutta syyskuut kaikille 😀

14 kommenttia:

  1. Colorful and fantastic art journal page.
    A Happy September for you.

  2. So very rich! from peggy

  3. Napkins are wonderful inspirations and I simply adore the one you chose. I thought the sentiment was quite lovely and I smiled when I read it. This is a wonderful entry for Aimeslee's theme at Art Journal Journey. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Hi, Elizabeth 😊 I always appreciate your comments 🌺😘

  4. That napkin adds a lot of texture and then adding the digital images really makes the whole page have so much depth. It's always amazing how people really have no sense of where things are but you think of wild animals and how they maneuver. Birds that migrate so many thousands of miles in some cases, and they make it back and forth. :) OK, I'm way off track. Happy September and thanks for joining Aimeslee's challenge at AJJ. hugs-Erika

  5. Sirkkis, this is fabulously seaworthy! Love the napkin and all your thoughtful details. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ. Love the texture and colors, xoxo

  6. Ihana, pirteä, raikas, värikylläinen työ 💖😊🌻


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