keskiviikko 17. joulukuuta 2014


Click for better view!
"Lighthouses are not just stone, brick, metal, and glass.
There is a human story at every lighthouse;
that's the story I want to tell."
                                                           - Elinor Dewire
Image credits to: RucolaDesign and Google.
Light efect: Cryztal Rain.
Frame: Holliewood Studios
BG: free photograph from Internet
Tällä viikolla teemana on majakka.
"Majakat eivät ole vain kiveä, tiiltä, metallia ja lasia.
Jokaisella majakalla on inhimillinen kertomus;
tämä on tarina, jonka haluan kertoa."
                                                                  - Elinor Dewire
Kuvamateriaalin lähteet kuten yllä.

The Three Muses Challenge  #Lighthouse
Art Journal Journey  #12/2014 Collage

14 kommenttia:

  1. Love your collage with its mysterious figures. Thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey. Hugs, Valerie

  2. A wonderful picture, so full of interest! xx

  3. Terrific collage that holds a grand tale I'm sure

    Love Chrissie x

  4. very interesting - i´m listening to this story!

  5. Beautiful work. I want to know the story it has to tell! I love to read books about lighthouses.

  6. Wonderful and full of mystery!
    I find lighthouses very intriguing too!

  7. An awesome collage, there is a long story here in this piece .
    Yvonne x

  8. Love this one Sirkkis! The lighthouse with the light beams is so amazing and the rocks and water are so serene, fabulous work my friend! holiday hugs :)

  9. These men of the lighthouse - wonderful! What a beautiful and amazing scene with the birds and the seascape.

  10. What stunning and mysterious collage! I love the amazing images.
    Mar x


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