sunnuntai 23. heinäkuuta 2023

Everythings can fly

'Everythings can fly, it's moving fast enough'
I got an idea to create an art journal page using my old hand made tag, which you see beneath, and the illustrated version from the year 2014 under it. It wasn't ever published, because it was rejected because I wasn't invited to that blog 😏

 Now I cropped it out from its background, and made a totally new hybrid page, and added the clever quote I found from the web. All other elements are from my files.
I'm linking the page on the Alison's theme 'Come fly with me' at Art Journal Journey this month.
Thank you for taking time to 'fly' and stop on to my blog 
'Kaikki voi lentää; 
se on liikkua mahdollisimman nopeasti'
Sain idean suunnitella vanhasta 2014 käsin tekemästäni julkaisemattomasta tagista hybridi art journal sivun. Uudessa sivussani kaikki siinä olevat elementit löytyivät kansioistani ja kokoamisen ja tehosteet tein digitaalisesti fotosopissani.
Kiitos, kun otit aikaa ja lennähdit blogissani 🧚

5 kommenttia:

  1. WOW this is gorgeous. Happy Sunday.
    Greetings from Trinidad🇹🇹
    Mine is HERE


  2. It's too bad that tag was rejected because it is a great tag Sirkkis. And I like how it works on your page. It ended up being a beautiful page. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ for Alison's challenge. And happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  3. I love how you altered your tag to fit my theme Sirkkis! It's a beautiful page.
    Thanks for joining in with my AJJ challenge.


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