perjantai 14. maaliskuuta 2025

Hatching bird/Hautova lintu

'Every bird must hatch its own egg.'
I've earlier painted the girl face and its background with colored pencils, and now made it a hybrid page adding digitally the bird and nest images, as well as made a new text onto the BG. You see the original painting beneath.

The original colored pencil hand painting

I'm linking my hybrid art journal work at Art Journal Journey on Erika's 'Home' theme, because we can call the hatching bird's nest its home, can't we 😊
I like to show this face interpretation also at the Nicole's DV Artis Friday Face Off.
Thank you for stopping by 🌞
Hybridi-työni teemaan 'Koti'. Alkuperäinen työ on käsin värikynillä maalaamani, ja nyt lisäsin sille digitaalisesti hautovan linnun ja pesän kuvat, sekä tein uuden kuvatekstin:
'Jokaisen linnun on haudottava oma munansa.'
Mehän voimme sanoa pesää linnun kodiksi, vai mitä 😊
Linkitän työni myös 'Kasvot'-teemaan.
Kiitos käynnistäsi ja hyvää viikonloppua kaikille 🌞

14 kommenttia:

  1. ...another lovely lady, I wish you a fabulous spring weekend.

    1. Thanks Tom 😃
      I just came home after taking my Nordic walk trip. We have sunny great weather after many gray days 🌞

  2. What a great idea Sirkkis. I love how you managed the face and a home together. You really know how to draw a face and use colored pencils. Thanks again for joining at AJJ. As always, it's appreciated. And have a great rest of your FRiday and weekend ahead. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank you my friend for your kind comment 🥰
      I wish your weekend Erika,
      is happy and enjoyable 🌞😘

  3. Beautiful ~ Wow! ~ so creative ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. The bird has found an unusual place to nest. Nice pencil work.

    1. Imagination has no boundary 😉
      Thanks for the comment 🌞

  5. The woman is beautifully drawn and the nest fits perfectly. Why not implement the idea like that? I think it's great!
    I love your art!
    Have a happy weekend, hugs, Elke

    1. Thank you Elke for your kind comment, it's appreciated my friend 🥰
      Happy weekend 💐

  6. Yes, every bird must hatch their own egg. I love this so much. Thank you for sharing it with FFO and have a nice weekend.


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