perjantai 29. syyskuuta 2023

Fun and Games

It's All Fun And Games.

I'm linking this hybrid art journal collage page for Elle's theme 'Cats/Books/Tea at Art Journal Journey, because there are four cats and you see a book  there, too.
I started this page with my hybrid buzzle cookie cut beneath:

and then added other images etc.  I have  made two cats with a digital cut tool, and the 'Cat/Girl character', which is standing on the left with a paper bag, with collaging elements and a white pen
I link the page also at Nicole's Fraidy Face Off this week.
Thank you for stopping by 🎃
'Hauskuutta ja pelejä Halloween merkeissä'.
Tämän Halloween-aiheisen hybridi-työn tein 'Kissa/ Kirja'-teemaan. Siinä on useampikin kissa; kaksi olen leikannut digityökalulla taustapaperista, 
ja näet sinä kirjankin. Tuon vasemmalla seisovan kissan kasseineen olen tehnyt kollaasitekniikalla ja valkokynällä joskus kauan sitten - kassin lisäsin nyt. 
Aloitin sivun tekemästäni Palapeli-palasta (yllä), jonka olen tehnyt digi-työkalulla, sitten lisäilin vanhoja sopiviksi aiheeseen katsomiani kuvia arkistostani. 
Kurpitsa-juhliin on vielä runsaasti aikaa, joten toivotan tavallisen iloista viikonloppua kaikille 😺

12 kommenttia:

  1. What a fun page this is. And it all started with a jigsaw piece. Wonderful. It is so bright and actually makes me feel happy just looking at it.
    thank you Sirkkis
    Hugs, neet xx

  2. Sirkkis this is another fun page. I love all the faces and the puzzle pieces you chose. And the kitties are great faces too. :) I hope you have a lovely weekend, and thank you for all your pages linked up to AJJ this month too. You've had so many great pages for Elle's challenges. I hope you have a great weekend and lovely rest of the month. hugs-Erika

  3. ...I see that you are in the autumn spirit.

  4. Hi Sirkkis, what a fun page, there is so much to look at - I just spotted the little ghost at the top left too! Lovely cats and I also noticed the book. Thanks for joining me with all your pages for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month. Happy Journalling! Elle xx

  5. PS I love your autumn site banner too!

  6. Sirkkis this is magnificent. I love how you created this and all of the face. Just wonderful. Thank you for joining FFO and have a great weekend.

  7. I adore that you started with a puzzle piece and worked from there. I am a BIG cat lover, so of course this is a wonderful entry, especially for Elle's theme at AJJ. I'm really loving all the tiny details you added, too.

    Failed to Publish. I'll be back.

  8. Wonderful. I have looked at all your paintings on the previous posts. So beautiful. You do the best faces.


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