sunnuntai 1. lokakuuta 2023

Steampunk Twins in Gears


For the 'In Gears' theme by Neet at Art Journal Journey this month. I created this steampunk style hybrid Art journal page composing it with my hand painted face portrait (beneath) altered with lot of gear images, overlays, texts, and digital  background painting.

Thank you for visiting. Happy October to everyone 🍂
'Höyry-aikakauden' kaksoset "rattaissa"
" Pidän rattaiden säätämisestä. Olen kameleontti"
Tämän steampunk-tyylisen hybridi-art journal-sivun koostin käyttämällä käsin maalaamaani muotokuvaa ja ison joukon ratas- ym. kuva- ja tehostemateriaaleja, tekstejä ja digitaalista taustamaalausta. Linkitän työn teemaan 'Ratas'.
Kiitos käynnistä, ja erinomaista lokakuuta 🍂

7 kommenttia:

  1. I love how you use one of your hand painted facs to make your journal pages. This is brilliant - two faces from one and yet both look different. Good thinking to merge the hair as you have done. Great idea to use gears for ear rings, I never thought of that.
    Love the words, so fitting. A fab page Sirkkis, thank you for joining me at AJJ.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. That was a great idea to enhance your painted face. Even though your painted face is amazing.I LOVE those gear glasses. They are very very cool. And it was clever to add some gear earring too. Happy October to you my friend, and I hope this new week is wonderful for you. And also, thank you for joining AJJ for Neet's challenge. hugs-Erika

  3. I love this Steampunk page Sirkkis!
    Happy October.

  4. This is fabulous- I love the gears you have added to your ladies. A great start to Neet's theme. Hugs, Chrisx

  5. Taidokasta ja mahtavaa mielikuvitusta tulvillaan.

  6. What an amazing entry, Sirkkis. The gears are marvelous, but the faces drew me in. I love how you altered them. I also love how you added the gears in strategic places. This is a fabulous entry for Neet's theme at AJJ. Thanks for sharing it.


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